From LuaTeXWiki
Sometimes I wish to get a quick overview of all fonts in a directory hierarchy and a small sample of it. Here is how I do this in plain LuaTeX. First, create a small driver file for TeX (save it in fontsampler.tex):
\input luaotfload.sty \overfullrule 0pt \font\mono = {file:lmmono8-regular.otf} at 6pt \parindent 0pt \def \samplestring {Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. 1234567890 äÄöÖüÜ ß !"§\$\%\&()=?} \directlua{ dofile("fontsampler.lua") fontsampler(arg[2]) } \bye
This opens a Lua file called dirlist.lua and calls the function fontsampler with the second argument of the command line. The Lua file is a bit more interesting, as it recurses through a directory hierarchy and for every otf-font found, it creates a few lines of TeX code. Save the following file in fontsampler.lua
function dirtree(dir) assert(dir and dir ~= "", "directory parameter is missing or empty") if string.sub(dir, -1) == "/" then dir=string.sub(dir, 1, -2) end local function yieldtree(dir) for entry in lfs.dir(dir) do if not entry:match("^%.") then entry=dir.."/"..entry if not lfs.isdir(entry) then coroutine.yield(entry,lfs.attributes(entry)) end if lfs.isdir(entry) then yieldtree(entry) end end end end return coroutine.wrap(function() yieldtree(dir) end) end function fontsampler( dir ) for entry in dirtree(dir) do if entry:match(".otf","-4") then tex.tprint({[[\mono ]]},{-2,entry},{[[ (]]},{-2,},{[[)\par\penalty 10000\font\sample={file:]]},{-2,entry},{[[} at 12pt\sample\samplestring\par\penalty 10000\vrule width \hsize height 0.25pt depth 0pt\par]]}) end end end
Now run LuaTeX on the command line with the directory as the second argument:
luatex fontsampler.tex "/path/to/my font directory"
The result is a PDF that looks similar to this: