Use a TrueType font
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A TrueType (or Openype) font can be used without going through a TFM or an OFM file, like in XeTeX.
The best way to do so is to use the package luaotfload, on the CTAN, and developped here:
The code shows how we can use the table of a TrueType font to produce an internal TeX font table:
\pdfoutput1 \directlua{ callback.register('define_font', function(name, size) fonttype = nil filename = kpse.find_file(name,"opentype fonts") if (filename) then fonttype = 'opentype' else filename = kpse.find_file(name, "truetype fonts") end if filename and not fonttype then fonttype = 'truetype' end if fonttype then if (size < 0) then size = (- 655.36) * size end ttffont = fontforge.to_table( if ttffont then f = { } = ttffont.fontname f.fullname = ttffont.names[1].names.fullname f.parameters = { } f.designsize = size f.size = size direction = 0 f.parameters.slant = 0 = size * 0.25 f.parameters.space_stretch = 0.3 * size f.parameters.space_shrink = 0.1 * size f.parameters.x_height = 0.4 * size f.parameters.quad = 1.0 * size f.parameters.extra_space = 0 f.characters = { } local mag = size / ttffont.units_per_em names_of_char = { } for char, glyph in pairs( do names_of_char[ttffont.glyphs[glyph].name] =[glyph] end for char, glyph in pairs( do glyph_table = ttffont.glyphs[glyph] f.characters[char] = { index = glyph, width = glyph_table.width * mag, name =, } if glyph_table.boundingbox[4] then f.characters[char].height = glyph_table.boundingbox[4] * mag end if glyph_table.boundingbox[2] then f.characters[char].depth = -glyph_table.boundingbox[2] * mag end if glyph_table.kerns then local kerns = { } for _, kern in pairs(glyph_table.kerns) do kerns[names_of_char[kern.char]] = * mag end f.characters[char].kerns = kerns end end f.filename = filename f.type = 'real' f.format = fonttype f.embedding = "subset" f.cidinfo = { registry = "Adobe", ordering = "Identity", supplement = 0, version = 1 } end else f = font.read_tfm(name, size) end return f end ) }
The index of the f.characters table is the Unicode value, among the properties of each entry of that table we have index which is the glyph index. Using this property we get the mapping between Unicode characters and glyphs. Kerning is handled via TeX font LKP.
What is missing in the code above is better calculation of standard TeX font parameters and OpenType features. � suivre...